So basically I just graduated from University of Miami with a B.F.A in Acting and this is my first job in the "Real World". I decided that I would document this wild adventure and share with everyone the fear, the rewards and the reality of doing a 12 month Children's Theatre National Tour. My job is to arrive into town Sunday, audition 25-350 kids Monday and by Saturday pull off a full musical production of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves" starring yours truly, Christopher Nelson Harbur.


Realization about teaching kids...

Yesterday Katie I were pretty tough on the kids...If they didn't know their lines we let them struggle and feel embarrased, if they missed a cue, we just stared at the empty stage. After rehearsal I was feeling like I had been a little too harsh on them and maybe there was a better way to teach them....
Well, today very few lines were forgotten and almost no cues were missed and I came to the realization that all the kids are going to remember is their own performance when it comes to the show. If they do poorly on show day, they aren't going to reflect back on the week and say, "Well at least Chris was a fun director!"
Now obviously this doesn't mean that I'm going to be a slave driver but I think it might be o.k to light a fire under their little buns if they need it...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Chris this is Jennifer, from montalvo in saratoga. YEp, your pal bagheeras here!
hopefully this thingy works, anyways i saw the comment thingy you left about me && hannah & DOOD, we STIIL talk about you. you our favorite director && hopefully you and Kaite come back next year!!
remember that book is for you to relax && have a laugh in the middle of a hard week. good luck on the show!

9:24 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!

10:48 PM


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