So basically I just graduated from University of Miami with a B.F.A in Acting and this is my first job in the "Real World". I decided that I would document this wild adventure and share with everyone the fear, the rewards and the reality of doing a 12 month Children's Theatre National Tour. My job is to arrive into town Sunday, audition 25-350 kids Monday and by Saturday pull off a full musical production of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves" starring yours truly, Christopher Nelson Harbur.


Wierd day...

Today was show-day. We weren't called till 1pm which was great cause I slept in but when I woke up I felt a little weird about the day and sort of tried to brush it off figuring it was nothing.
We had SO MUCH TIME to kill before the show, and it was tough to keep the kids in line after we finished the dress and make-up. It was an almost eerie energy...the set had fallen down AGAIN, (this time on me) and the kids didn't seem to understand that in a few hours we were going to have to perform in front of an audience.
At any rate the show happened and it was better than I thought even though I had to improv about 10 different times to cover for kids which was fine because the parents were dying of laughter anyway. Our monkeys this week were seriously from an alternate universe because 90% of them literally dawdled around the stage in their little costumes as I made up lines as to why they were so lost. Hannah, Jennifer and Caroline (our leads) of course came through in the biggest way and more or less kept the show afloat as Katie and I chased wolves, elephants and mongooses on-stage for their cues.
I felt pretty darn good after the show and then a couple of us went out for food after and as I was washing my Baloo make-up off my face I placed my phone and wallet on top of the sink and left it in there by accident...When the check came I realized I had left it in the bathroom and sprinted back to get it...It was too late. My cell phone and wallet which had $250 (all my hard earned t-shirt money) along with multiple credit cards, driver license and tons of other stuff had been stolen.
I don't think I have ever lost a wallet in my entire life and know I am typing this blog feeling pretty depressed, beat up and robbed...


Blogger Miles Harbur CS,MBA said...

nasty...there are very few people it hasn't happened to (incl me)...just call the credit card co's to change you number & tell cingular. Then you're not liable for any subsequent use of the credit cards.

You've figured out the T-shirt business, so you'll make the $ back quickly.

The bottom line is, you know how to recover/remake the $ you lost. I'm recognizing the inherent honesty of everybody in that restaurant...they know how to and love to do the right thing.

It would definitely be worth it to contact the restaurant a few times, just to check if someone turned your stuff back in.

The source of your income and assets is creativity, ideas, capabilities. This source is indestructible and unstealable. M B Eddy says in the book Science & Health, "Do not suppose that any mental concept is gone because you do not think of it. The true concept is never lost." (p 87)

The natural action of the infinite is to restore, rebuild, make whole again. This is a spirtual law operating in your life NOW.

peace out...

8:31 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

chris! its hannah im sorry about the wallet. but of cours me and jennifer and caroline RULED!!!!!!!!!

1:32 PM


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