So basically I just graduated from University of Miami with a B.F.A in Acting and this is my first job in the "Real World". I decided that I would document this wild adventure and share with everyone the fear, the rewards and the reality of doing a 12 month Children's Theatre National Tour. My job is to arrive into town Sunday, audition 25-350 kids Monday and by Saturday pull off a full musical production of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves" starring yours truly, Christopher Nelson Harbur.


Helloooo Bellevue, WA!

Katie and I walked into the audition on Monday and looked around at hoards of kids that lined the huge gym floor....I looked up at a sign that read, "Day Camp for ages 5-11".
"We a going to cast 11 year olds in 16 year old parts?" I said incredulously to Katie. Katie looked at me equally terrified as we approached the center of the vast circle.
"Allllll right, hey guys! Katie and I are so glad to be here in Bellevue this week! Does anyone know what show we are doing on Saturday?" I asked the kids.
"JUNGLE BOOK!" roared the kids giggling with glee.
"YEEAAAAYYY that's right boys and girls! Now if you are 11 years old please stand up and line up over in the corner..."I ordered, praying that half of them would stand.
Four kids stood up and shuffled to the corner.

Two hours later though we had the entire show cast and the youngest Jungle Book show ever was on it's merry way!


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