So basically I just graduated from University of Miami with a B.F.A in Acting and this is my first job in the "Real World". I decided that I would document this wild adventure and share with everyone the fear, the rewards and the reality of doing a 12 month Children's Theatre National Tour. My job is to arrive into town Sunday, audition 25-350 kids Monday and by Saturday pull off a full musical production of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves" starring yours truly, Christopher Nelson Harbur.


Week #3 Saratoga

The theatre is magnificent, the people are friendly and the food is fabulous but there is one thing Katie and I are dreading about this week's show....IT'S AN OUTSIDE THEATRE.
Question of the week:
How the heck are we supposed to control 65 kids in FUR costumes from going insane during 95 degree rehearsals this week?
(Please post any suggestions on the blog)


Blogger Miles Harbur CS,MBA said...

What an incredibly beautiful place! Love the pix...

How 'bout: Get an ice chest, fill it with ice, and let the kids have ice as a reward or on breaks...
...hose them down...
...get a slip N slide at target to use during breaks...

9:44 AM


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