"Run the show" DAY
I put "Run the show" in quotes because that is what is supposed to happen today. I think I may have over-estimated how well the kids knew their lines a bit because there were about 10 different train wrecks on-stage today. It is difficult for them to know their cues because the scripts we give them only have their individual lines in them so there was mass chaos for about 3 hours today. The scary part is the fact that we only have 1 more rehearsal until the show on Saturday so I'm begninng to get a liiiiiittle bit worried. In the audition on Monday we select 4 Assistant Directors (AD's) to help out with lights, sound and backstage and one girl we selected this week (10 years old) was laying on the stage at the end of rehearsal exhausted and when I asked her why she was so tired she yelled, "ACTORS ARGHHH!"
2:53 PM
Here's what you guys really have going for you: parents love to see their kids perform, and if the kids have fun, the parents will see a great show!
plus you've got the great costumes and great acting by the MCT partners!
3:47 PM
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