So basically I just graduated from University of Miami with a B.F.A in Acting and this is my first job in the "Real World". I decided that I would document this wild adventure and share with everyone the fear, the rewards and the reality of doing a 12 month Children's Theatre National Tour. My job is to arrive into town Sunday, audition 25-350 kids Monday and by Saturday pull off a full musical production of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves" starring yours truly, Christopher Nelson Harbur.


Day #2

I got some video footage for everyone today! We went snorkeling down in North Shore and saw the most amazing tropical fish and Sea Turtles!!! Later we went to Suicide Rock and I found 2 locals who were crazy enough to do flips off the top with me. I am the one on the end doing the back-flip off the 30 ft rock face....Don't worry Mother I am still alive.

Careful ladies he's takin......o.k. not really I've just always wanted to use that expression.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I threw up my breakfast

8:39 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aw, looks like so much fun! I'm jelly! I wish I had your job!

2:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

glad you're having a good time. when i went to hawaii we found a waterfall spot where there happened to be a middle aged man who kept doing back flips off the cliff NAKED!!
miss ya


3:25 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm glad i'm not your mother!

6:03 AM


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