So basically I just graduated from University of Miami with a B.F.A in Acting and this is my first job in the "Real World". I decided that I would document this wild adventure and share with everyone the fear, the rewards and the reality of doing a 12 month Children's Theatre National Tour. My job is to arrive into town Sunday, audition 25-350 kids Monday and by Saturday pull off a full musical production of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves" starring yours truly, Christopher Nelson Harbur.


Snow White in Hawaii...DAY 1

We arrived in Oahu, Hawaii Sunday night carrying no less than 11 giant duffel bags and 4 large boxes. When the lady at ticketing counter in San Fran. saw the bags she told us that there was simply no way we could take them all on the plane...but 2 difficult hours and $650 extra dollars later she was singin a different tune.
We almost lost a costume bag after it got sucked into the belt at the Hawaii airport but our friendly Hawaiian airport men cut it away after a good 15 minute struggle...Although it would have been funny if the bag had ripped open and 7 dwarf beards spilled out all over the conveyor..
Yea we had a lot of luggage but my friend Oba'knu Ukeleled away my sorrows...
Immediately following our 141 kid audition (A new Hawaii record!!!) Shirnest and I headed for North Shore for a day of luscious beaching...The kids of Los Banos bought and decorated a beach chair for me complete with name and picture of me wearing a Snow White dress...
Around sunset at a beach near Waikiki

I plan on doing some pics and a stoty every night this week so tune in for tomorrow nights installment!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

why aren't you dancing to the music?
more pics...more pics
re-listened to your solo...excellent!

8:27 AM

Blogger Miles Harbur CS,MBA said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

10:17 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

you guys are amazing! any chance of staying there a few extra days?

the pearl harbor memorial there is pretty cool


10:18 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

what a life! can we trade places for the rest of the summer? as a perk, i'll even let you have the baby for me ;-)


p.s. remember to send trinity a postcard!!! she's totally counting on it!

10:44 AM


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